


The use of a virtual-learning environment to improve cognitive skills in individuals with ASD is another area of investigation. Researchers have found using VR results in an increase in memory performance for children with ASD (Hsu & Teoh, 2017). These authors analyzed the use of a novel avatar interviewing aid during memory interviews, scavenger hunts, and intelligence assessments, and found that using an avatar was a more “ASD friendly” method of improving recall memory in young children with ASD when compared to using a human interviewer. Using a virtual-learning environment has also been found to be effective for teaching school curriculum to adolescents with ASD. One study found that using 3D virtual learning as a means of distance education increases social competence through knowledge and social practice for youth with ASD (Stichter et al., 2014). Likewise, another study found that use of distance teaching program increases embodied presence and copresence (the sense of one’s own avatar, the sense of proximity of other user’s avatar, and the sense of the social actor “behind” the other avatar) in almost all of the online activities (Wang et al., 2016).